Community Engagement

We are proud to be and participate in the community of Blockhouse Bay and beyond. Our church seeks to make a real difference in our community as a way of sharing the love and goodness of God with our neighbours. As part of care and engagement with and for our community these are the groups, activities and events we run and support.

Combined Blockhouse Bay Food Pantry: Friday afternoons at 1:30pm the doors open and we welcome you to come and have afternoon tea with us.

Monthly Friendship Groups: First Tuesday of the month from 10-12am a group meets for various activities and fun. Everyone is welcome.

Cooking Classes: Friday fortnightly at 9:30am. We try out various recipes as the season changes and space is available for younger children to play.

Shed Matters: This a huge project set up to promote community development through intergenerational learning around tools (powered and hand). Through sharing of experience we value wisdom and know-how and ensure these skills continue onward. Blockhouse Bay Baptist remains a key player in this ongoing project.

Hair Raising Hat Party: A yearly party on October 31st for those aged 4-14 which is a fun and safe alternative to trick and treating.

Making Ends Meet: Every year the church collects clothes, toys, linen and kitchenware to host a giant free garage sale for our community. This yearly activity happens just before winter hits.

Party at the Park (formally Christmas at the Beach):  In conjunction with other local churches this yearly celebration is a chance to gather friends and family for an early evening picnic to get you ready for Christmas.

Christmas Lunch: Not everyone has a place to belong on Christmas, nor does everyone have the means to make a special lunch. Come join us on Christmas day from 11:45am-1.30 pm for food, festivities and fun.