Sunday Services
Sunday services are a big focus of our church family life. They are a time when we all meet together. Each week is different but you can expect to spend 90 minutes together singing, praying, hearing a Bible teaching, taking communion, and visiting with others. While we love it when people join our community, everyone is welcome to visit our services.
Our 10am service includes all ages from 0-100+yrs, with a relaxed atmosphere, fun at appropriate times but also takes seriously the important work of worship, prayer and hearing from God’s word. During the morning service, we have age specific programs for children 0-13 years old.
The 6:30pm service is smaller and more informal. There is no provision for children, although they are most welcome to attend.
New to church and wondering what we mean by worship, prayer, bible teaching and fellowship?
Worship: Singing songs together is one way in which we can worship God together. When singing, we are reflecting on God, expressing truths about God, and often, experiencing a sense of God’s presence with us. Together, these elements comprise worship. In fact, there is more to worship than a song and our services are more than singing, but people find music particularly helpful. At Blockhouse Bay Baptist, we mainly use contemporary Christian worship songs but we enjoy hymns as well.
Prayer: Prayer is the act of speaking to God, in particular to ask for his involvement in the world. We try and use a variety of approaches to praying together. Sometimes it is simply someone leading prayer from the front for the rest of us to agree with. Sometimes we use written responses and sometimes we use other interactive or participatory styles of prayer.
Bible Teaching: We want to know God. God has made himself known through Jesus. The Bible is all about Jesus. So by taking time each week to read from the bible and to have it explained and applied to us we can know, love and serve God better.
Fellowship: Fellowship is one of those funny words that Christians use and not many other people do. It means the relationship we have with other believers when we meet around a shared purpose, a shared love of God, and a genuine caring interest in each other. Fellowship is noticeable in our valuing of regular gatherings, enjoying each others company, sharing the challenges of the journey with Jesus and the care we offer to support the church family and our community.